Time For A Bath

June 13, 2012

For the Birds!

Remember last summer I hung my fire pit as a beautiful platter on the wall above the bench on my back deck? It really spiffed things up. The best up-cycle I had done in a while! If you'd like to see how to do it click here.

At the time, I couldn't figure out what to do with the lid to the firepit. I decided to keep it knowing at some point something would come to me. Well it did! 

I was watching the birds perched on the large pot that we have in the middle of the jungle (that I call the backyard), and the idea came to me. The large pot used to be a bubbling fountain until at the end of last year I had to clean it. It's when I have to clean something and it takes longer than an hour I decide to turn it into something else. So I emptied the water, cleaned it and left it there.

What I realized was I could have shallow water (that would be easy to clean) and enjoy the birds taking a bath by simply turning the fire pit lid upside down on top of my empty pot and filling it with water. It's shallow enough for the birds not to drown, yet has enough water to bathe!

All I did was do a quick cleaning of the inside of the lid, unscrewed the handle and took it off, filled the hole with waterproof silicon, let it cure for 5 hours, placed a few stones I had in the middle, and filled it with water. The copper will darken and oxidize in time anyway so I wasn't worried about getting all the dark spots out. I just wanted to be sure to get all the grease from the fires off.

The stones in the middle are dual purpose. They cover the silicon and they allow another area for the birds to stand without being immersed in water. 

Have a great week!...Lori

This Week's Random Finds

June 9, 2012

First of all, make your home bright and beautiful this weekend. 

Peonies are in season for a short time. These are my absolute favorite flower. They're full and luscious and last! Just pick up 3-5 of them at the store and pop them in a glass. You don't need many to make a big splash!

Next, If you need any simple planters (indoor or out) here's your deal! These Zinc tall planters will go with any decor and make any plant look great. They're on sale now at Crate and Barrel.

If you need a floor...
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What To Do With Your Cool Fireplace

June 6, 2012

Is your fireplace being abandoned without a second thought in the warmer weather? Why not take the opportunity in these warmer months tp change it up a bit? Make it a different focal point...without a fire.


There are endless ways you can decorate th interior of your fireplace when not in use. The simplest and probably the most popular is to fill it with candles or lanterns.

But there are also other creative lighting ideas if you still want to see it lit up. How about a tumbleweed that you wr...
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The Atomic Light

June 2, 2012

The name was my son's idea. He thinks it looks like an atom, and all his friends agreed. They all think it's WAY COOL! I like the industrial chic look it has.

Some of you guessed right on the last post. These molded spheres of steel hanger strap were fashioned into a pendant light. If you guessed chandelier that counts.

All you need to do is get some 22 gauge 3/4" galvanized steel hanger strap at your local hardware store and a few (approximately 12) small short bolts that fit through the hole...
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May 30, 2012

It's been a busy couple of weeks and I'm slammed! I'm trying to play catch-up and complete several projects for your viewing pleasure.

Here's a little peek at a couple that you'll be seeing complete in the next 2 weeks...

Can you believe there are two different things in this picture? You probably think I've lost my mind. On the contrary, I've been using too much of it at once. 

I'll provide an hour of complimentary design consultation to the first person who guesses what these will be! Just e-...

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Hoist Your Flag

May 26, 2012

If you have a large wall to make a colorful simple statement on, or a small bedroom that needs a punch of color

try a vintage flag!


 There are so many sizes and designs to choose from.


Mariners flags are great in a library or a boys room

All you need to do is either mount your flag on a piece of 1/4" plywood with furniture tacks around the edge, use a large poster frame, or put a frame together with 4 lengths of 1" x 2" strips that are secured at the corners with 4 corner brackets and wrap th...

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What Would I Do...

May 23, 2012

If I found these two chairs...which I did today for $20 each at Urban Ore (my favorite place to find materials for re-use)? 

These are old, large, heavy duty, outdoor rattan chairs. The kind that they used to make in the pre-plastic rattan age. They're in great shape other than a few misplaced pieces of rattan on the backs and the old outdoor upholstery.

First I would pop the upholstered seats off, spray the chairs a HOT PINK or TURQUOISE blue with Krylon outdoor spray paint.

Then I would r...
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Faux...Faux Bois

May 19, 2012

Faux Bois, meaning "false wood" in french, has always had a place in my home or garden. Not surprising  considering how much I love using branches in my work.

Faux faux boise would then refer to real wood that's pretending to be fake? Right!

After spotting this console (for thousands of dollars) that I thought was fantastic, I thought I'd try my hand at a little faux faux.

I just used what I had on hand.


I spray painted this grapevine branch with Krylon HIgh Gloss white paint,

spray painted th...
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An Inside Job

May 16, 2012

If you've always wanted to get wild and crazy in a room but were afraid to, most designers would tell you to go wild in a small space (like a small powder room). Sounds fun doesn't it?


I know many people who yearn to do even a small space in a bright color or a crazy fun wallpaper but STILL can't commit themselves to even a phone booth sized powder room. THIS POST IS FOR YOU.


Why not try going wild in the safety of your own closet or in a small cabinet.


Just paint the Inside of a small cab...
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Blue and Lots of White!

May 12, 2012

I dropped by my favorite junk antiques shop today to see if they had anything new that one of my clients could use.

What I found I decided to keep for myself! After all, I deserve a treat for Mother's Day!

They had several blue and white chinese pots and ginger jars. One is always nice...but en masse they can be fabulous.

For $15. I purchased 3 of varying height, cleaned them up, placed them in a group,

and filled each one with a bunch of white flowers. 

One with Tulips, one with Hydrangeas, an...
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About Me

As an Interior Designer, I am constantly looking for new ways of re-purposing and re-using what people already have as well as finding new resources for affordable furnishings. This is just a place to share great resources, ideas, information about the trades, and ways of doing things yourself to help make your own home fabulous! 

- Lori Pepe-Lunché,  more about me...

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